Nonprofit 501c3 – Proudly serving Las Cruces & Southern New Mexico


JANUARY 2021 LINDA GENDALL presents “New Mexico Retrospective” in the Main Gallery; NOLAN WINKLER presents “Blooms” in the Library Gallery

FEBRUARY 2021 ARTFORMS For The Love Of Art Month annual ArtForms show.

MARCH 2021 WAYNE HUBER, FORMER STUDENTS & FRIENDS present landscapes, abstracts, and bird paintings

APRIL 2021 DINAH SWAN presents “Animal Kingdom Pastels” ; (Dinah is a Colorado artist who was in the DAAC gallery last March when we had to close our doors due to the outbreak of the global pandemic)

MAY 2021 ROKOKO ART & SUZANNE KANE present “Rhythm & Rhyme” that promises to be colorful and fun. They are going to create several collaborative pieces as well as individual work.

JUNE 2021 WAYNE SUGGS presents his petroglyph series, titled “Ancient Visions”, with photographs that capture remnants of ancient peoples that are sure to inspire people to enjoy the expansive New Mexico landscape and night skies


AUGUST 2021 10 O’CLOCK CLUB presents “Disrupted”, a collection in various mediums that reflects how the pandemic has affected our lives. It includes a significant installation based on a prayer box built by Noel Sandino. 

SEPTEMBER 2021 ARTISTS OF PICACHO HILLS present their group work in many mediums to include painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, woodworking, textile, and quilting. 

OCTOBER 2021 JO-AN SMITH presents a retrospective of paintings, drawings, enamels and jewelry from her private collection along with several new works.

NOVEMBER 2021 NEW MEXICO WATERCOLOR SOCIETY (NMWS) presents “Eureka! Inspiration in Watercolor” that will be juried by a nationally recognized watercolorist. Participation in the show counts toward signature status in NMWS.  

DECEMBER 2021 BORDER ARTISTS present “Blue Skies”. The Border Artists group includes artists working in painting, ceramics, sculpture, photography, metal, printmaking, and mixed media. Some familiar names include Emmit Booher, Tauna Cole, Storm Sermay, and Jean Wilkey.